Case Study Submission

For the ISEPEI Project Toolkit “ICTs for Water Security: A Toolkit for Decision-Makers Based on the Use of ICTs in Water Security and Water Management” to be presented at the Eye on Earth Summit in Abu Dhabi in October 2015.


  • Length: 4-5 pages including figures
  • Text: Times New Roman, size 10
  • File Type: Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)
  • Tables: provided in Microsoft Word format, must be editable
  • Graphs: provided in Microsoft Excel format (including actual graph .xls file), must be editable
  • Images / Maps: high resolution (at least 300dpi), color or b&w, provided separately

Note: all images/tables/graphs/figures must originate from the author / organization or have explicit permission to reproduce (submit evidence of such permission)

Please fill in each of the sections below and email to Emily Nilson at If the file(s) is too large, it can be sent through Google Drive or a similar file transfer service.

Proposed Title
Concise and informative title

Author(s) and Organization
Full author name, organization with address, contact details
Optional: agency/organization/company description with URL (1-3 sentences)

List 4-6 keywords that cover: the ICT(s), e.g. “Remote Sensing”; the water issue(s), e.g. “flood monitoring”, “eutrophication”; and the region, e.g. “urban”, “floodplain”

What ICTs were used? Briefly (few sentences) describe that technology and how it works (in basic, non-technical terms)

Geographical Scope
What is the geographical scope of the case, e.g. worldwide, nation, river, city, watershed? If relevant, please describe the area and discuss any important factors, e.g. specific terrain, transboundary issues, etc.

Problem Description / Relevance to Water Security
What water-related issue is this addressing, e.g. sanitation, droughts, flooding?

ICT Application / Outcome
What was done? How were the technologies applied? What was the result?

Final Thoughts / Advantages & Disadvantages
In retrospect, how well did the technology address the water-related issue? What were the advantages/disadvantages of using this particular technology, e.g. too expensive to maintain, difficulties getting data?

Applicability / Transferability
Could this case be applied to other geographical areas or to other water-related issues?

Additional Information / Acknowledgements
